Tuesday, March 22, 2022

March 22, 2022 12:02 AM

Bible Verse: That kind of knowledge is too much for me; it’s so high above me that I can’t reach it. Psalm 139:6


Many, many years ago a dear friend blessed me with the gift of my first daily devotional. As I began the daily practice of integrating reflection with scripture, my spiritual life began to deepen and led to the creation of my “spiritual space” in which I begin my day with God.

As I sit in my “space" this morning and immerse myself in this vers, I ask myself …. was God using my friend to lead me to a deeper understanding of his Love and acceptance? I honestly am in awe of how our Lord and Savior cares so very deeply about each of us, in such a detailed and loving way. Do You ever ask….am I worthy of this level of “unconditional love and attention?” Do You feel the need to live up to his expectations?

My friends, here is the good news….you are LOVED…feel and accept his Grace…You have nothing to earn, just reflect in the JOY of His Love for you and simply praise His impact on your life.

Contributor: Janet Wheatley