Today at Citrus – December 11, 2022

Advent Candle Lighting

Reader 1: We light again the first two candles in our Advent wreath, to remind us of God’s gifts of hope and love. Today we will light the third candle, the candle of peace.
(Light first two Purple Candles only)

Reader 2: John the Baptist called on the people of his day to prepare the path for the coming of the Messiah. He said, “Change your hearts and lives! Here comes the kingdom of heaven!” and “Produce fruit that shows you have changed your hearts and lives.” To live in peace with others, we need to repent and change directions.

Reader 1: We light this third candle to remind us that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He shows us how to share God’s peace with others. (Light the third PINK candle.)

Reader 2: The prayer of St. Francis asks God to help us be peacemakers.
Lord, make us instruments of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let us sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is sadness, joy;
And where there is darkness, light. Amen


Glory (Let There Be Peace)
God With Us
Jesus Light of the World
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus


Let the love of God flow into your hearts. Believe in the power of God to change your life. Behold the goodness of God in creation and in others. Be at peace and celebrate God’s good news. AMEN.

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