Stewardship 2025

Branching Out

"...I will plant it, and it will send out branches and bear fruit. It will grow into a mighty cedar. Birds of every kind will nest in it and find shelter in the shade of its boughs."
Ezekiel 7:23

Our Commitments

We commit to faithfully participate in Citrus Church’s ministries with our;


Intentional faith development through spiritual practices and through Grow Groups.


Prioritizing regular worship together as a church community.


Offering our time and energy serving others; inside and outside the church.


Practicing financial generoisty to God's work through Citrus Church.


Sharing the hospitality of Jesus in our daily lives.

Daily Prayer at Noon

Pause to Pray Daily through September 22
Citrus Church members and friends will pause and pray each day for God’s grace and blessing on Citrus Church. If noon each day works for your schedule, select a consistent time that works for you.

Almighty God,
You’ve planted me in the soil of Your grace.

Teach me how to stay rooted in You today,
knowing that You are with me
as I face each challenge with courage.

Help Citrus to branch out
further in our commitment to You,
reaching out in our connection to each other,
sending out branches
that bear fruit in our local community.

Now, as I begin the afternoon,
please fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit,
and use me to bless someone else,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, I pray.

Weekly Sermons