Today at Citrus – January 29, 2023

Opening Prayer

Loving God,
we come this morning
seeking to abide in your presence.
Open our minds to your spirit of wisdom,
that we may know how to live as your people.
Open our hearts to your spirit of truth,
that we may love all your people with a love
that speaks of justice, kindness,
and radical grace.
May this time of worship
be authentic and pleasing to you. Amen.


I Call You Faithful
Make Room
Holy Are You Lord
Blessed Assurance


Go now, and make room…
In your Heart and Your Home.
Look for the parts of they community that are hurting. Be Good News for Them.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all. Amen

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