Today at Citrus – October 9, 2022

Call to Worship

One: In the midst of your hectic week we have come to worship God.
All: Our lives are pulled in so many directions, we seek God’s guidance.
One: Let go of the burdens that weigh you down. God will take them.
All: We thank God for the breathing space we are given.
One: Tune your hearts and voices in praise to God.
All: Let our voices carry the joy we feel because of God’s love for us. AMEN.


Oh Our Lord
Faithful Now
Imperfection in Action
All Creatures of Our God and King


Go out into the world knowing you are God’s beloved children
Knowing each person you meet is beloved by God.
Look for God in those you meet.
And always remember that you are not alone
Because God the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer is with you always. Amen!

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